[ JAN.15.25 ] complete wip. um <3
if you’re looking for general illustrations +/or furry-centric work, please look here [ alt website ] / here [ VGen ] ! some work is mirrored on VGen’s portal due to not wanting to split the URLs…
LIVE2D [ VTuber Models ]
STATUS: inquiry-only at the moment!
WAITLIST: not publicly open, yet, but maybe someday…?
This page will be incredibly technical and detailed! If you don’t understand anything, I’m sorry to say that I’m not the artist for you. I’m more than happy to answer questions, but overall, if we’re an artist-client match, this should make sense!
I prefer to not work with first-time VTubers, I’m sorry! For the best working conditions with my clients, I’d prefer if you’ve had at least one Live2D model under your belt already so that you know your way around piloting, handling, and how to tune a model.
I am not the rigger for you if…
- You’re looking for extravagant / jelly-like physics
- You don’t know how to pilot a Live2D model or set one up
- You’re looking for another person’s work
- You want all six brow parameters despite only two tracking
- You’re going to give me a lightly-split PSD
- You need a short turnaround time
I do sit down with my clients after the model is complete for about 2-3 hours to go through every tracking parameter & fine tuning models for clients, discussing lighting setup & fine tuning sound delays on OBS! Optional service, of course, but it’s my default.
Every model is custom-tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. I do not utilize templates at the moment, and don’t really plan to despite their usefulness… at most, even if I were to use a template, it’d just be for initial cmo3/project setup.
This service comes with my editing/fixing support the rigger needs, til the model is done being rigged by another artist.
A WIP update of the sketch will be sent, and you can request changes to the piece at this stage. Once the sketch is confirmed, future significant changes will be charged $100 per change, so please be sure to confirm everything on the sketch.
Base price already includes commercial rights.
Light PSD processing
One fully-rigged model
Initial VTS setup + 2-hour fine-tuning session
VBridger configuration, if the model includes VB
Standard commercial use rights
Projects do not include source files (cmo3)s under normal circumstances. Please check my TOS for more information!
If previous clients wish to have brush-ups, new outfits/hairstyles, props or more toggles later on, those can be made on top of existing rigging upon inquiry. Please inquire if interested!
✓ Any gender presentation
✓ Any body type & weight
✓ Any racial presentation
✓ Anthro/mecha/creatures
✓ Detail & complexity!
✓ Chibis & stylized works
✓ NSFW (any, but ask!)
✗ AI-generated works
✗ Copyrighted characters/IP
✗ “Loli” / child-like
✗ General insensitivity & usage of slurs/derogatory terms in any shape or form
If your model’s race doesn’t match your own (excluding POC VTubers using white-passing models but including POC people using ethnicities that they themselves aren’t), please don’t work with me. This makes me highly uncomfortable!
Design complexity
PSD processing
Animated expressions
Facial toggles
Alternate mouth/eye/brow forms
Alternate parts
Tracking additions
VBridger or PerfectSync
Tongue out
Idle animations
Twitch reactives
Pose toggles
Other toggles
Controllers / tablets
Idle animations
Twitch reactives
Pose toggles
Other toggles
Model enhancements (on top of existing rigging)
VBridger mouth/face
Face reworks ..?
Mouth redos idk
Angle XYZ (30 degree / 50 degree / 70 degree)
Position XYZ
Body XYZ (subtle torso / medium range / extended range)
Body position XYZ
Leg step
Eye Open
Eye Smile
Eye Squint
Brow Y
Brow Inner Up
Mouth Smile
Mouth Open
Jaw Open
Press Lip
Pucker / Widen
Nose Sneer/Sniff
Mouth Stretch
Mouth Dimple
Model physics (simple/fully linked)
Toggle transitions (simple/dynamic)
VTS/VB Configuration
Commercial rights
PSD Processing
Idle animations
Twitch reactives
Pose toggles
Other toggles
When do applications open & how do I apply to them?
Does my PSD need to be finished?
Is there a waitlist? Can I get on it?
What kind of applications are more likely to be accepted? What makes you choose one submission over another?
LIVE2D [ other projects ]
Emotes + animations + …
audio mixing / tuning / mastering / instrumentals…? maybe some composition